What is Get Response CRM?
Customer relationship management (CRM) is a feature that lets you manage your company’s interactions with current and potential customers. It allows you to create pipelines. Pipelines are a visual representation of a sales process or any type of interaction with your customer that involves a series of steps. They consist of stages, and each stage contains deals.
After you’ve created a pipeline and added new deals to it, you can move them between stages, add comments, set up reminders to call or email your deals or update important deal information. You can also group multiple contacts under one deal name, which helps you identify which product or service you’re offering them. Additionally, you can enter account manager information to help you identify who is responsible for which client like salesforce cpq training.
What can I accomplish with GetResponse CRM? How is it different from other services?
Because GetResponse CRM is part of the larger GetResponse platform, you can easily establish a feedback loop between CRM and the other GetResponse features you rely on:
- Contacts in your account become your deals. This makes it easier for you to decide which contacts qualify as deals. Search for contacts who meet specific criteria—e.g. they have a very high score based on their subscriber activity, they have regularly opened your messages, clicked on links, participated in your webinars—and save them as segments.
- Add your pre-selected contacts to the pipeline. Move them between stages and update their deal information to keep track of how your sales deals are progressing. Use the data you collect to adjust your business and communication strategy.
- Use CRM data to filter and group people based on which pipeline and stage they are in. You can now create segments that include vital deal information.
Simply put, you can quickly evaluate which contacts may become deals and instantly add them to a pipeline. Equally quickly, you can create new segments that include deals and schedule messages for them. The flow of information about your contacts and deals is automatic and unimpeded. So, you can be certain that you have salesforce online training the right people on your recipient list.
Does GetResponse CRM work on mobile devices?
It’s possible to use GetResponse CRM on mobile devices. Its mobile responsive design adapts to smaller screen sizes and creates a user-friendly space to create and manage pipelines.
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