Salesforce’s Marc Benioff calls for a ‘new capitalism’ where billionaires pay higher taxes
Salesforce co-CEO Marc Benioff is calling for the
establishment of a “new capitalism” that’s paid for in part by taxing
billionaires like himself.
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In an op-ed in The New YorkTimes published Monday, Benioff said businesses should focus less on
profits and more on their impact on society, while using their power to help
advance important causes, like the creation of a national privacy law and
fighting climate change.
To achieve these
goals, Benioff proposed a new system that “includes higher taxes on the
wealthiest among us.”
“Nationally, increasing taxes on high-income
individuals like myself would help generate the trillions of dollars that we
desperately need to improve education and health care and fight climate
change,” Benioff wrote.
Benioff’s comments echo an earlier move by
the Business Roundtable, a group made up of CEOs from several top U.S.
corporations, to steer the focus of corporations away from maximizing
shareholder value.
Benioff also isn’t the first billionaire to say
America’s wealthiest should pay higher taxes. Legendary investor Warren Buffett
and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates have repeatedly voiced
support for a similar move.
Read the full op-ed at The New York Times.
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